Understanding Bad Behavior to Raise Good Kids,
CMT and Child Therapy

All therapists want to be exceptional.
We can show you how.

Thursday June 20, 2024
12:00pm-1:30pm PST

Live Online Seminar through Zoom

Jim McCollum, Phd and Christina Gintel, Phd

This course will utilize a Control-Mastery lens to examine child misbehavior. We will discuss behavior as communication and implications for caregivers responding to children who misbehave. The course will integrate theory with examples drawn from therapy cases..

Why this course?

Why Do Children Misbehave?

This course draws from many existing theories and popular parenting books to give an answer. We will present misbehavior through a Control-Mastery lens to help understand the underlying goals of children’s misbehavior. We will discuss the Control-Mastery concept of testing and how to help parents respond in a case-specific way to their child’s misbehavior.

This course is for clinicians and graduate students, not for non-practicing caregivers.

This course will cover:

Describe some of the underlying goals of misbehavior in children and adolescents.

Describe ways in which you can utilize information from misbehavior in therapy from a CMT perspective.

Discuss the concept of testing in children and adolescents.

After completing this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Describe some of the underlying goals of misbehavior in children and adolescents.

  • Describe ways in which you can utilize information from misbehavior in therapy from a CMT perspective.

  • Discuss the concept of testing in children and adolescents.

Course Level:  Introductory, Intermediate and Advanced

CE Credits: 1.5 APA approved CE hours. If you would like CEU's you should indicate so during registration. COA's will be sent within 30 days of the class. You must arrive on time to the course and stay for the entirety of the program to receive CE credit. 

CME Credits: None

All planners and all presenters for this educational activity have no financial relationship(s) to disclose with ineligible companies whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients.

Cost: $100 for General Public
$50 for SFPRG Members
$15 for Students (No CEU's)

The Personalized Psychotherapy Institute (PPI) is the education wing of the San Francisco Psychotherapy Research Group (SFPRG)


Registration Opens: Monday June 3, 2024
Registration Closes: Wednesday June 19th at 6pm 

Course Schedule: If you would like know more about the schedule for this event please contact our front office at or 415-561-6771

Cancellation Policy: No refunds are provided for this event.  If you have questions about your registration, please contact our office at 415-561-6771

Co-sponsorship: There is no co-sponsor of this event.  

Commercial Support: There is no known commercial support for this program.

Please note that registrations for all PPI classes are handled by the website of our parent member organization SFPRG. You will be redirected to that website to complete your registration. You need not be a member to register, however, if you are a member or have registered for one of our classes before, you will be prompted to enter your information.